Sin: We are sinners, fallen from grace. Because of our sin
we are deserving of hell.
Grace: God loved us so much that He made a way for escape by
sending His only Son to die for our sins and pay our penalty.
Faith: We are saved from hell by faith alone in Christ's sacrifice,
by believing His death and resurrection cleanses us from all unrighteousness.
Repentance: Repentance is followed by faith and a regenerate heart
in which our mind is turned from sin towards Christ.
The Trinity:
God in Three Persons: We believe that One God is comprised of three
separate, but equal persons, forming the Godhead, being the Father the Son
(Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit: We believe the Holy Spirit to be fully God. We
believe He raised Jesus from the dead and dwells in us after accepting Christ's
sacrifice by faith.
The Father: We believe the Father to be the head of the Trinity, with
the Son being subject to the Father, and the Spirit being subject to the Son, while at the
same time being equal.
Jesus Christ: We believe Jesus to be fully God and fully man, who was there
from the beginning of creation, and was destined to die for our sins before the foundations
of the world. We believe He died and rose again on the third day.
The Bible:
We believe the Bible to be the inspired Word of God, without error, and written
by men as they were led by the Holy Spirit.
We believe that Jesus Christ became the Word and lived it out to it's fullest
extent, living a sinless life.
We believe the Bible to be the means in which God communicates to us. We
We communicate to God through prayer, and He speaks top us through His Word.
We believe in the daily reading of Scripture, and without it, one cannot grow spiritualluy.
We believe in proper exegesis (pulling out the right interpretation of the text). We
believe each verse in the Bible to have only one interpretation, and multiple applications.
We believe that one cannot adequately apply the Scriptures without the author's original
We believe in the gathering of God's people to study the Word of God, on top of
personal reading.
The Church:
We believe the Church to be the body/bride of Christ.
We believe in the gathering of the saints, and that when two
or more are gathered together in His presence, He is among them.
We believe that fellowship, communion, and edification with other believers
necessary for spiritual growth.