Photo of Peter Stone

Welcome! My Name is Peter Stone

My home is Centralia, Washington


I’m an aspiring actor and web developer living in Centralia, Washington. The central hub between Portland and Seattle. I am currently teaching myelf web devolpment with the TechDegree Program provided at Treehouse.

I first got the itch for acting in high school and it has continued to this day, from taking acting classes at my local college, to studying at the prestigious American Academy of Dramatic Arts in New York City.

Apart from acting and web devolopment, I enjoy spending my time going to the movies, and other cliché things people say online, such as hiking and kayaking. Thanks for visiting my webpage! Cheers!


Since my major goal is to one day start a family, and I'm a very family oriented person, I decided on web development as it provides me the opportunity to eventually work from home if I so desire. I guess you could say that my Five Year Plan is to get skilled in coding in such a way to where I can be fully self sufficient, that I can do... Getting married on the other hand, well that might prove more difficult. 😆

Other goals I have are:

I know that if I push myself, anything is possible!